Saturday, January 31, 2009

Question: Is Jem truly outrageous?

After finishing 4 seasons of the office on DVD, I was looking for something new to watch and being ultra lazy to download the latest 5th season of The Office I spent a few days trolling Youtube. I stumbled upon a really old cartoon which I used to love - Jem and as the theme song suggests, it IS truly truly truly outrageous! I watched the first episode like 3 times but I was again too lazy to load the other episodes so I've been watching the opening theme sequence over and over again for the past few hours... Now I'm watching the opening themes of some really old shows ie: Thundercats, Power Rangers, My Little Pony, Double Dragon... you get the picture? I wish I was Jem! Then I'd be truly outrageous too!



Mel said...

hahahahha..i love Thundercats too!! "Thundercats are on the loose...." nvr heard of jem tho..aiks...and my little pony rocks!!did u watch the movie??? dude...i thought i was the only one watching these things..hahahaha..

eh yoga how ar?? swt... imma like broke.. =.=

Mel said...

hahaha...hmmm so shall we do saturdays then??? goshhhh y ur classes finish so late wannn??? yuk. start wat time wor? boooo... started d ar?? mine starts end of the month...ewww

Mel said...

it's ok babe. i can go with sulf. u go get some rest la dahling... lol. hahahaha.. next month i'll prolly do saturdays only. then we can go together gether k?

Mel said...

hey sayang... i miss u! swt...

like seriously, i'm so gosh darn tired from orientation weeks and i'm only halfway through... It's really fun but I need to bitch!!!

But i seriously have NO time! wanna go grab some McD's and watch some telly one day? maybe in a few weeks? how's ur schedule?