Thursday, April 24, 2008

Legen... wait for it... OMG!!!

This is insane! I'm going crazy for this! So crazy, that I have to blog about it!

ROBIN AND BARNEY KISSED!!! I knew it was coming! I don't know how, but I just knew it! There were subtle signs, and I knew it would happen sooner or later but, I didn't think it would happen so early on in the series! This kiss means that the next episode will either make or break the show. This is a giant episode in How I Met Your Mother history. They had better do something cool with this direction they've taken otherwise, this will forever be known as the moment in which How I Met Your Mother, one of the last great sitcoms ever to grace television, jumped the shark. I hope it won't be because, this is one of my favouritest shows ever! I'm keeping my fingers crossed till next Sunday when the next episode airs. Woo my heart is beating so hard!

Oh! And Neil Patrick Harris is so CUTE!

Hee Hee! The cutest gay dude alive! He makes me all giggly! SUIT UP!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Freakish Dogs?

Lately I've been having a lot of dreams about dogs. Maybe because all my neighbours have dogs and I'm one of the only chinese resident without a dog on my street. Yeah, like when I first moved into my house and my neighbour let me and my sister pet her dog I had this weird dream about this hairless drooling mad dog biting my arm but I couldn't feel anything. Then like a week ago I had this new dream about a cute brown puppy that I kept hugging. Then last night I had this freakish dream about a talking puppy that had the voice of Allyson Hannigan. Yeah it was weird. The puppy was black and we could only call it by its name which was Lilly (the name of Allyson Hannigan's character in How I Met Your Mother) but my sister kept calling it "puppy" one night and it turned into the hairless dog (only smaller) from my old dream and attacked her. It was so weird. Then when I intervened it started biting my arm again and like the earlier dream I didn't feel any pain. Then it turned back into the cute puppy. And then the dream turned into some nazi thing where I find out on the internet that the puppy was some war weapon created by Hitler to be used in the WW2 to replace German Sheperds. It was a really weird movie-like dream that I thoroughly enjoyed cause it felt like I was in Hellboy or something. I wonder why is it that all my dreams have dogs in them and most of the time they end up biting my arm? Funkay!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Concert...

I've just gotten back from the Celine Dion concert. It was postponed till today because Celine got sick in Australia and had to rest. In the end it wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I blame the crowd. They weren't enthusiastic, they didn't sing along, they didn't get up to move or dance, they didn't even cheer much! I'm very mad! I love Celine so much and my first experience of her turns out to be this shit? Furious doesn't even come close to describing how mad I am! I'm so mad I am on the verge of flying into an intensely gay apoplectic fit of rage!

I got to the Merdeka Stadium at like 5 o clock cause we wanted to be first in line so we could take our pick of the seats we wanted. The concert was to start at 8 but when we got to the stadium at 5 30 the line was already really long. My mum had this great idea to cut into the long line and I was all "thats wrong!" but eventually I folllowed her. The gates opened at 7 and people started dashing for them. The line of people that seemed quite well drawn at the beginning when I arrived, suddenly crumpled into this mass of pushing bodies and I was nearly crushed by this bunch of crazed gay Celine fans. We had to sneakily get out of the big crowd after I was saved from the gaggle of hissing malay homo's by my mother, and then overtake the sea of complaining people to get to the front. I admit we were very wrong and bad in doing this but, I tell you, if we hadn't I might have been crushed by another group of chinese gay guys who were all "chiang hwa yu" bitchily. I was amazed at how many gay people there were there. I had never seen so many before except for the time I went to my friends club which it turns out now isn't really a gay club. There were tonnes of them everywhere and my mother was gawking at them as if they were zoo animals. "LOOK NICOLE!" she woud squeal to my sister "LOOK AT THE WAY THEY WALK! LOOK AT THE WAY THEY MOVE!!". I was so embarassed.

After we got in, we found these seats that were near some toilets and the show began. The crowd like I said sucked but when Celine started singing We Will Rock You, I and this gay guy, who was quite cute but had come with his boyfriend who wasn't that cute and who kept giving me dirty looks because I kept checking out his boyfriend, couldn't stand it anymore and stopped caring about the crowd and started cheering and singing along and then we got up and danced and my mother and my sister and the gay guys boyfriend all followed suit after a while.

The concert ended much earlier than we all expected. It lasted about an hour and a half only! After Celine sang My Heart Will Go On I nearly cried and then the concert ended. We took some pictures during, before and after the concert (none of the gay guy though, but take my word for it, he was really really cute) but I won't upload them now because I haven't downloaded them into my com yet. I'm so lazy. I also bought a shirt. Its black and says "Celine Dion Taking Chances World Tour Kuala Lumpur" or something like that. There are no pictures or fancy smancy thingies because the picture ones were really expensive, like 100 ringgit per shirt. This shirt, which is quite dull only cost me 25 ringgit and still I think I was cheated because I can buy shirts at Petaling Street for less. I'll post a picture with me wearing the shirt after I take the picture which will happen soon after I wash the shirt.

Oh Yeah! One more thing that made the concert not so fun the lack of costumes! Celine was supposed to have 3 outfits but she only wore 2 and the last dress which was yellow she only wore for one song. She was supposed to wear this red and white suite with black tie and suspenders perhaps you saw it in my last post but she didn't wear that! I'm angry because I anticipated that and she didn't wear it! Ok, this was her fault but I think if the crowd had been more sporting I would have been able to overlook this slight wardrobe error. So in conclusion I still blame the crowd.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

I'm GOING!!!!

Happy April 13th girl! Muax! I don't have any pictures of us but I found some on your blog! You have no idea how long it took me... Then I found this convenient link that said "Desmond" at the bottom of the post with the ugly picture of me and I clicked it and I was like "ok... those are uglier..." Anyway, here they are! A thousand Muax's to my best friend in the whole world.

Remember this? We were about to have sex here but then half way through you denied me pleasure!!! Grrr...

Prom, prom, prom, prom... Desmond and Su Ann will dance again! We looked good didn't we? Especially me... Che!