It was a race against time and traffic to the petrol stations. We got to the ones near the TV3 station in about 30 minutes (DAMN LONG!!!) because the roads were so congested with people who were late pumpers like us. When we reached, the Shell was jam packed but the Mobil was strangely empty. My mum was all "GO TO MOBIL! GO TO MOBIL!!". I drove in and I was like "Whoa! Nobody!". We were going to take our pick of the pump we wanted when we saw cones in front of all the pumps. We were all "What are those cones doing there? How are we going to park if those cones are there???". So, stupidly blur and un-hint-taking, I and my mum instructed my sister to get down and remove the cones. She got out of the car with blurness obviously inherited from us and then realised that the cones were there because there was no more petrol!! Seriously! The whole pump was empty! My mum was all "WHAT! GO TO THE NKVE!!" Now it was about 1040 and we were really panicking. Negativity rushed through our veins revealing itself through dastardly thoughts like "What if there is no more petrol in the pumps at the petrol stations there?" and "What if the lines are too long and we don't make it?". We got onto the NKVE and drove to the nearest petrol stations - Shell, BHP. Shell was once again tremendously full but the BHP was not so full. We decided to go to BHP and I dangerously overtook a bunch of cars that were lining up. Much to the anger of the drivers.
When it was my turn to fill up, I filled up my tank too much and petrol overflowed everywhere. It was like the scene out of Zoolander where the models sprayed themselves with petrol at the station and then lit a match. It was everywhere! The malay assistant guy was all "AIR AIR!!". There was no fire but, we had to wash the petrol off the car to avoid paint damage. My mum was all, "You're so greedy!!" and proceeded to nag at me the whole drive back home. I was so irritated!
*Yay! Now my tank is full!
Des, this was so funny to read. especially the 'removing cone part'
and the oil spilling out coz u were too greedy..
oil is damn expensive now, we should ride bikes snd rollerblade
to get around
omgshh...u make me lmao n pmp...hearts...haih interview was awful...sad la if cannot...?? :(
lol..i noe u heart jonny n mellie alot...haha...but seriously wei, i cant find any info on the boi's like he doesnt exist...he no hp, no facebook, no nothing...aiyoyo...thequest goes on..where's my kiss? haha...thick skin
doinkz...i meant me thick skin la...wth..haha..lmao...
arghhhhhhhh...i sooo bloody bored!! i miss jon...haih...still no progress...u got any other friends in help?? dont tell them abt him 1st la...after they casually bring him up...haha
hey!! it wasn't mine okay. ahhaha.. super funny la.. i flushed the toilet like 5 times, but it still wouldn't go. it was literally STUCK to the toilet bowl okay. lol. had to use the brush, then i was like, can we throw the brush after that. lol. so dumb.
Will and Grace are good. they make me happy. hahahah.. you come over here for a holiday la!!!!
i know what you meannn! it does suck, so come over here! it's nicer over here, sort of, i mean, more fish in the sea you know. :P
asswipe! you can go fall down the stairs this time! idiot! :P
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